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Some of my favorite emojis are the following ;
It depends on what we are talking about that's going to make me choose the right one for the conversation.
Black Hawk Down, 12 Strong and Fury is my favourite movie of all time. I recently watched 12 Strong and Fury because I needed to refresh it again in my memory. I'll soon rewatch Black Hawk Down too.
Football is my number favorite sports. After football, I prefer combat sports more than anything else. It's why I don't miss out any UFC event. MMA is a very big sports for me.
What difference does it make when you don't smoke cigarette but end up smoking Shisha/Hookah? As long as you're inhaling them, it's killing your lungs.
Currently, Discord is my favorite chat messenger because it is where I have most of my friends who are online to talk with. I have been using Facebook messenger for a while but I've grown fed up with chatting on that platform.
It depends on the skills which you possess that is going to determine the kind of sports which will be more effective for you to engage in. If you are tall very well and you are athletic, it is going to be better for you to go to playing basketball instead of football.
Cortana is an artificial intelligence that was designed to work with the subconscious of Master Chief the head of Spartans to make him more effective and efficient in combat. At one point, Cortana started developing feelings for Master Chief and fell in love with him.
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The Helo Series Season 2 will start streaming February 8, 2024 on Paramount+. I can't wait to see how the story develop from after Master Chief have been taken over by the AI robot Cortana.
Will you be watching Halo Series Season 2 when it's out?
Halo Theme Mjolnir Mix (Marty O'Donnell and Michael Salvatori) will be my favourite halo soundtrack of all the soundtracks used in the game/movie/TV show. What sets it apart is the Salvatori's guitar solos which make it a theme song for all FPS gamers from 2004 onwards.
Cortana will be my favorite Halo character even though she is an artificial intelligence, she can be very interesting the way she do things and started developing conscience of our own. This is one of the reason why I liked her character.