Halo Talk

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Are you guys sure about 256MB memory card being able to hold Halo 3...

...live/maybe campaign? plz read? so i asked about 2 or 3 times if a 256MB memory card for an xbox 360 being able to hold all the information for Halo 3 live , and i dont think one person said it wouldnt be able to.

so before i get/got/gotted:)D) halo 3, i downloaded the online demo of Lost Planet:Extreme Condition and it said it was 174MB!!! and its only a demo!

so what im asking is, how is a full halo 3 game supposed to fit in 256MB??!?!?!?!? as far as i know, i think that memory is not saved on the disc like it used to be, but on the console itself on the hard drive, except i dont have one! or will some of the information be saved on the xbox 360 itself? please help! any input is appreciated! thanks in advance!!!!!


New member
first off - if you buy the Halo3 game, it will not be saved on your memory card. The game information or where you are in the game is what is saved. So only specific information such as what level, area and other specific information to the game is saved to the memory card, not the full game itself. As for the "Lost Planet" demo - you are downloading demo version of a game, not the full version, and it has to be stored somewhere since you don't have the disc.