Halo Talk

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Did you experience any buy playing HALO 3: ODST?


New member
Bugs and glitches are usually constant in all games. It's not a new thing in most Halo video games that's been released for years. For those that played Halo 3 : ODST, which bugs and glitches did you experience with playing the game?


New member
I had saving file bugs when I was Halo 3 : ODST. Although, it didn't last for too long as a lot of players had the same issue and it was reported fast. 343 Industries took care of the bug with a new patch immediately.


New member
Bugs and glitches are usually constant in all games. It's not a new thing in most Halo video games that's been released for years. For those that played Halo 3 : ODST, which bugs and glitches did you experience with playing the game?

Not all games that we can say have that kind of bug. The bugs of Halo 3: ODST was unbearable at the start, but I am happy that some upgrades made it better and a good experience for gamers to enjoy the game.