I keep getting stuff like this
I'm on the red team and the enemies are on the blue team
Red Team: 22 kills
Blue team: 4 Kills
So my partner is so stupid thinking its too easy
he charges them too much
and we LOST!
Where can I get better partners?
The skill level for me is 30
Yo zach E do you know of any one good enough to boost me to at least 45?
Because I want a brigadier soon.
Even though I need exp too.
I thought.
If I become 45 first.
I just earn the Exp AND BAM
I'm a brigadier
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I'm on the red team and the enemies are on the blue team
Red Team: 22 kills
Blue team: 4 Kills
So my partner is so stupid thinking its too easy
he charges them too much
and we LOST!
Where can I get better partners?
The skill level for me is 30
Yo zach E do you know of any one good enough to boost me to at least 45?
Because I want a brigadier soon.
Even though I need exp too.
I thought.
If I become 45 first.
I just earn the Exp AND BAM
I'm a brigadier
In order to answer this just Edit your answer