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Halo 3 or Modern Warefare 2?

alex t

New member
I love both games but which is better. I think Halo is a little Better. Tell me what is better. Tell mw why you picked the game with a resoning


New member
get both halo 3 is pretty cheap right now or get 1 and wait for christmas for te other one but i think modern warfare 2 is better. it has better online, everyone plays it and it may be hard to find a game on halo 3 online but modern warfare 2 is so much beter imo. it also has a new spec ops mode which is pretty awesome


New member
i think you should get Moder Warfare 2 because it has a greater storyline and a better online experience than halo 3,also there is no little kids so far in Modern warfare 2 and it makes the game so much better because you dont have some squeeky little 6 year old screaming "CAN I HAZ RECON" and plus the weapons are so much better, and plus how can the weapons from halo 3 look real, no weapon on this planet looks like those, bungie just modified what the weapons look like from real weapons of today and just made them look futuristic, and they did a poor job at it, and the weapons in halo 3 dont even make sense, you can shoot a guy for days with the asault rifle , but it only takes 3 shots of the battle rifle to kill someone and the story just sucks over all, it a pathetic ending