There aren't any training videos that will actually help you kill another player...take it from me. I'm a level 50 in doubles and slayer, and it's not because my teammates were good, either. I played Halo 2 since release, for 2 years constantly. And then moved on to Halo 3 and will probably play it until..well...death! You just have to learn to control the aim stick, and be aware of your surroundings. I wouldn't suggest a very fast rotation setting, either...faster isn't better, it kills your aiming. Keep it on default, or one slower. Also, when you're playing, keep moving and observing the area. Don't walk into obvious ambush spots if you know your opponent has a sword, shotgun, or rockets. When you're in a fight, always keep moving, NEVER STAND STILL. And in the middle of a fight, even if you think you're going to die, DON'T THROW A GRENADE. That little time used to throw it will guarentee your death. If you're in a team game, communicate with your team. Don't rush in, you'll just feed the other team kills. And always try to collect the power weapons before the other team...and learn the respawn times, so you know when they respawn and you can get them again before they do.