Halo Talk

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how can i get really good in shooting games like halo and and gears of wars?


New member
im a decent player but ill get pwned easily by any pro got any tips to help me get better i thnk my only problem is aimimg and hiting my target


New member
first of all, don't saw pwned and noob. talk like a person, not a queer. second, keep losing, but watch how the others kill you and try mimic them, and keep uping your skills. any 'decent' gamer would know that

james g

New member
Add me on Xbox Live and ill teach you a few tricks such as ways to shoot . Im a competitive gamer on gears of war and play for high ranked clans But im a rookie on halo so i can only help with gow
My Gamertag is : Ls I GrUeSoMe
if my friends list is full send me a message


New member
1. Get very familiar with the maps. People tend to hide in certain places over and over again...why not toss a grenade in those spots before you even go in?

2. Move! Stationary targets are easier to hit. Plus, when you do stand still, it tends to be in one of those predictable spots mentioned above.

3. Do the unexpected. Some of your future victims haven't begun to think in three dimensions yet, so attack from above and/or below whenever possible.

4. Teamwork is often the key. Communicate constantly with teammates, and go into every scenario with a plan. Refine it after each try so that you're always improving.

There are lots of little things that you can pick up on as others do them to you. My best advice is to learn from those who pwned you. And have fun...it is just a game after all. Letting yourself get stressed and upset about the game will not help you play any better, so relax and enjoy it.

Hope this helps!