...uses his leader powers in a battle? Which buuttons and joysticks do i use to operate a covenant leader in battle and also shift between him and other units? I am confused becaused the instruction manual and guidebook don't explain it clearly.
When I click on the leader and push the y button my entire army shifts behind the covenant leader.... am i doing something wrong?
I think I need details here because I must be missing something. I am not good at using RAGE AND CLEANSING BEAM IN battle. I am not sure what i am doing wrong. Is there a way to make the cleansing beam come down right where you want it from the beginning , instead of having it shift around the battlefield?
When I click on the leader and push the y button my entire army shifts behind the covenant leader.... am i doing something wrong?
I think I need details here because I must be missing something. I am not good at using RAGE AND CLEANSING BEAM IN battle. I am not sure what i am doing wrong. Is there a way to make the cleansing beam come down right where you want it from the beginning , instead of having it shift around the battlefield?