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Is the video game Halo 3: ODST a good game?


New member
I'm wondering if this is a good game because gamestop has it for something like 20 dollars and I'm just wondering if it is worth the money.


New member
Halo 3 ODST is a good game, people just dont approve of it much because it doesnt have a multiplayer like matchmaking, still, you can play multiplayer with 3 other of your friends on live with the firefight mode. There is no custom games, its just firefight and campaign.

All in all, for 20 bucks id say try it out :)


New member
I'm wondering if this is a good game because gamestop has it for something like 20 dollars and I'm just wondering if it is worth the money.
Yes, it's definitely a good game. It's a game that's worth the money you're paying for it. I got it years ago and I so much enjoyed playing it.


Halo 3 ODST a good game and it's worth the money paid for it. I have enjoyed the game as much as I want. It's visuals are stunning, it has excelled in various aspects which made it a great title in the gaming path.


Halo 3 ODST is a great game. I remember getting this when it was released after spending so much time playing Halo 3 with friends after that released and Halo 3 ODST was so much fun!

I believe you can still play it even now on Xbox.