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Oblivion, Rainbow Six Vegas, Halo 3. Which should I play?

Christopher S

New member
I've beaten Halo 3, and Oblivion. But Haven't beaten Rainbow Six Vegas. However I feel bored but don't want to play any of them. So I'm asking you to chose for me, or come up with something alternate to do.
oblivion or six vegas
halo 3 sucks

oblivion is a rpg very fun and adddictive

vegas is a really good first person shooter

so i depends wat u like

halo 3 is like a 1 and 2 put together but has more things and weapons
i think halo 2 is better though

try renting them to see wich u like

calvin j

New member
dude figure out something to do, dont just go online and ask for something to do, dont be reliant on other people to entertain, or come up with ways to entertain u. and if u beaten those games then u dont need to beat em again if u dont want 2. which u shudnt anyways cuz its a waste of time.