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Which takes more skill? Call of Duty, Halo, or Gears of War?


New member
Just looking for opinions.
I didn't really come to Yahoo answers expecting much more than this, but it's seriously pathetic.

Call of duty takes skill? How? Seeing someone before they see you is skill? My 9 year old sister just went 12 - 9 on Team death match. I told her to stay put in one area and shoot anyone who walked by. That is not skill, it's a goddamned joke.

Please don't bother answering unless you have played all three games and can actually make good points on WHY call of duty (or whatever) takes skill.
exar_dc had the best answer by far - props.


New member
none. they are FPS video games. actually shooting a real gun in real life takes skill, not doing it in a video game.


New member
Call Of Duty
Halo takes none at all
Gears sucks as it is
and Call Of Duty takes skill sometimes, sometimes is just camping n00bs but still..


New member
Halo and Call of Duty take the most skill. First you gotta learn the controls then actually get good like learn tricks and other stuff.


New member
In call of duty the bullets have more damage so if you dont look carefully you could be killed almost instanlty whereas on halo if you are getting shot you could turn around quickly and kill them.


New member
Well that partially depends on your skill level and how you like to play. It's kind of like comparing fruit when you compare these games. Sure apples, pears, and mangos are all fruit and pretty similar, but there are major differences as well that prevent a true comparison.

But as it is to answer you question, provided you are talking about the online multiplayer only in my opinion:

Gears of War takes the most skill by far. The online games rely heavily on teamwork to be successful and its hard to do well if you just have one or two really good players on your team when you are at a competitive level. The controls are also slightly more complicated and the gameplay a bit slower, requiring a more tactiful approach rather than run and gun. Also there's no killstreaks or special power ups. Just power weapons.

Halo takes the next most skill. Now don't get me wrong...Halo is the easiest of the 3 to just pick up and play. It's even the easiest to be semi-decent at without much skill. BUT to be GOOD at Halo isn't that easy. You have to master aiming and timing to get those DMR shots down. At a highly competitive level missing even one headshot can be your doom. When playing Pro or "MLG" style Halo also offers one of the most level and fair competitive fields among FPS competitive gaming today. That means you can't use many tricks to be better than the next guy, you just have to be better. Now true in standard Slayer online there is cheap crap like Armor lock and jetpacks, but other than that...

CoD comes last, and i know ppl are going to rage bout this. But any idiot can pick up CoD and blast off a killstreak, call in a helicopter, and rack up a bunch of kills. All it takes is a little luck. Now, yeah you die easier in CoD...but that means you kill easier too. If you just happen to see someone and ur not a terrible shot general it just takes a few bullets to do the job. Not to mention CoD is a campers dream. Anyone can rack up a few kills if they decide to camp the whole game and no game does that like CoD. And let's face it...lack of a "MLG" playlist means deathstreaks (which are completely retarted) and killstreaks are RIDICULOUSLY overpowered. Not to mention spawning with any weapon you choose puts a power weapon in the hands of everyone all at once. Trust me...more kids play CoD.

If you don't believe me rent all three games and play them online yourself and see which one u do best at. 1000 internets says it's CoD.

Now if you're talking about single player then going off the hardest difficulty setting i'd say: CoD, Halo, Gears. Opposite lol.

Serious Moobage

New member
None of them, Pressing buttons involves no skill whatsoever, I like playing games like CoD, but there's no skill involved in video games


New member
I would say that Gears of War takes the most skill but because the game's multiplayer is so broken I'm gonna go with Halo. You actually have to aim your grenades, time your shots, aim for the head, be tactical with your weapons etc. And by the way i completely agree with you on the CoD thing, to those of you saying that CoD takes the most skill explain this to me, how can a game require skill when all you have to do is sit in a corner, wait for 7 unsuspecting people to walk by, kill them by shooting 5 bullets into their torso then once you get those 7 kills call in your attack helicopter than sit their not even fire your gun and get 20 more kills? Say what you want to but I'm thinking that if you say that CoD takes skill it's just cause you suck at Halo and Gears, the weapons are overpowered, the kill streaks are unfair, and worst of all it's a noob/camper infested mess. So all of you people saying that CoD takes the most skill stop fooling yourselves because you sure as hell aren't fooling anyone else.