Halo Talk

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Why buy an Xbox 360 if you can play Halo, Gears of War and Left 4 Dead on a PC?


New member
You are absolutely right, and you can do much more things with a PC, it might be a little more expensive but you have a point.


New member
It is really a matter of preference. Personally, I like the lag/ uncertainty that comes along with people aiming and shooting with joysticks. Point and click combat is very fast, and can be very frustrating. On top of that, the online support and online community is phenomenal on Xbox live. On the down side, it does cost $50 per year.

So again, it is really a matter of preference. Controller or keyboard, my man?


New member
Dude, the computer will run slow with games. If you install those games at the same time they will run slowly and painfuly.

The x box runs smoothly and without problem. And it is awesome.

I can already tell you play ps3.


New member
computers lag with good graphics, and the xbox360 can wark on bigger screens, and it has halo 3 wich has forge theater and other goodies halo 1 and 2 dont have, it also has more comfortable controls, and has acces to the game marketplace with prepaid cards, and is just plain has a more comfortable online feeling than the PC, more of my freinds play on xbox than the others that play PC, can I just say another thing? GAMESPY! you get booted more from games and More people Mod on the PC which gives them unfair advantages over you!


New member
I prefer console gaming. I like to hold a controller and use a TV. Yes, I know you can use controllers on PC games, but it's not the same. I do use my computer for a few games, but not FPSs. A good PC capable of running the games at the quality the 360 can costs too much. I also like Xbox Live and its features. Not everyone is a PC gamer just like not everyone is a console gamer. It's just what we prefer. Neither is better than the other and there's no need to troll.