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Controller layout


I bet there are people that are sick of the controller discussion so if you are plz leave this thread to prevent any arguements, and for those of you that would like to know the controller layout for halo 3 is as follows:

Left and right sticks:
Movement and look. Just like H2.
Click left and right sticks: Crouch and zoom – just like H2, although there is a “toggle crouch” option, so that you can stay crouched until you click the stick again.
A: Jump
B: Melee attack. Note: B may also be used to activate a subtle, but nifty context-sensitive feature.
Y: Switch to next weapon.
X: Activate mysterious new feature which is rumored to be a sprint button.
LT: Toss grenade.
RT: Shoot weapon.
LB: Cycle grenade type (you have at least three types of grenade now, so they must be cycled rather than switched).
RB: Pick up weapon/activate stuff/reload/use turrets and so on.
Note: If you hold LB while standing over a dual wieldable weapon, you’ll pick it up in your left hand – a huge improvement over the “Y” button in Halo 2. This doesn’t affect grenade cycling, because you can still tap LB to cycle grenades, but you can’t toss ‘em while dual wielding anyway. So it’s moot. After about ten minutes of play, it feels incredibly natural, with the lone downside that you have trouble adjusting when you go back to Halo 2. But more vitally, LB reloads the weapon in your left hand, individually when you’re dual-wielding.
BACK: Calls up the Multi player “player menu” – where you can mute jerks, see gamer data and so on. The back button is useful, but tough to press in really hectic action, since it’s so close to the Guide button.
START: Pause menu (which is translucent so you can adjust controls without losing track of what’s on screen). From here you can also end or quit a game, naturally.
D-PAD: Is currently used to activate team chat.


Yeah okay buddy well first at another site people kept telling me that you can sprint with the x button so im guessing it will be in halo 3
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New member
I'm quite pleased with this new controller configuration. As long as they don't screw it up and change the X button from something other than sprinting, then the buttons should be perfect for my style. I'm happy to see that "Y" is once again the button that changes weapons.


I got this info from a great source, and it is not recommended to play halo 3, and then go back to halo 2, cause they have said it is indeed hard to keep switching so it is said though it is fantastic in the new halo game.


New member
I often experience that when playing sports game, like going from NCAA football to Madden football. It's tough when you get used to one set of controls then have to switch to another. I would guess this is similar.


New member
ok is this real. Is this how it is gonna be or how you think it will be. If it is how it will be thank you for the information on this.