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syte my ìîé ñàéò Cosmo
Crack gta iv
1. Âûðóáèòå èíòåðíåò.
2. Ñêîïèðóéòå ôàéëû èç ïàïêè "Step 1" â ïàïêó ñ èãðîé (çàìåíèòå âñå ôàéëû).
3. Çàïóñòèòå ôàéë "loader2.exe". Ïîäîæäèòå, íàæìèòå Äàëåå. Ââåäèòå UJEEK-ME33J-JDES3-GEW6X-F3NUV â ïîëå è íàæìèòå Àêòèâèðîâàòü. Ïîòîì ÎÊ è Âûõîä.
4. Ïîñëå ýòîãî ñêîïèðóéòå â ïàïêó ñ èãðîé âñå ôàëû èç ïàïêè "Step 2".
òîëüêî ñòàâèòü êðÿê íàäà íà çàíîãî óñòàíîâëåííóþ èãðó
5. ×òîáû â èãðå íå áûëî ïüÿíîé êàìåðû è ôèêñèðîâàííîãî ãàçà óäàëÿåì ôàéë èç êîðíåâîé ïàïêè GTAIVGDF.dll
7. Òåïåðü æìèòå íà ÿðëûê íà ðàá.ñòîëå,ðåãèñòðèðóéòåñü OFFLINE è ÃÀÌÀÉÒÅ!
ïðè ïåðâîì çàõîäå â èãðó ó ìåíÿ áûëà /ïüÿíàÿ êàìåðà,êà÷åëè,/âûõîäèì èç èãðû
è çàõîäèì çàíîâî,ëàãè èñ÷åçàþò! Ïðè ïîñëåäóþùèõ çàõîäàõ â èãðó èõ áîëüøå íå áûëî
êðÿê ñòàâèòü íà ñâåæåóñòàíîâëåííóþ èãðó íàä êîòîðîé íå ñòàâèëèñü ýêñïåðèìåíòû
1. Cut down the Internet.
2. Copy files from a folder "Step 1" in a folder with game (replace all files).
3. Start a file "loader2.exe". Wait, press Further. Enter UJEEK-ME33J-JDES3-GEW6X-F3NUV in the field and press to Activate. Then ÎÊ and the Exit.
4. After that copy in a folder with game all ôàëû from a folder "Step 2".
Only to put êðÿê íàäà on çàíîãî the established game
5. That in game there was no drunk chamber and the fixed gas delete a
file from root folder GTAIVGDF.dll 6. COMPUTER REBOOT!
7. Now press on a label on stol, be registered OFFLINE and game!
At the first calling in game I had / drunk chamber, a swing, / bowl off and we come anew,
logs disappear! At the subsequent calling in their game any more was not êðÿê to
put on ñâåæåóñòàíîâëåííóþ game over which experiments the INTERNET were
not put NOT to INCLUDE AFTER peregruz!
1) it is swung game 2) after have downloaded,
setup it for this purpose the emulator of disks
for example DaemonTools 3 is required to you) you have
downloaded crack already from folder File all 3 files is transferable
in the root catalogue of game and is replaced the old.
4) here this file gfwlivesetupmin.exe is started and we establish updatings for the personal computer
5) Is started from a root folder of game LaunchGTAIV.exe And yahoo by GAME!
ðåòóøü foto Cosmo
Crack gta iv
1. Âûðóáèòå èíòåðíåò.
2. Ñêîïèðóéòå ôàéëû èç ïàïêè "Step 1" â ïàïêó ñ èãðîé (çàìåíèòå âñå ôàéëû).
3. Çàïóñòèòå ôàéë "loader2.exe". Ïîäîæäèòå, íàæìèòå Äàëåå. Ââåäèòå UJEEK-ME33J-JDES3-GEW6X-F3NUV â ïîëå è íàæìèòå Àêòèâèðîâàòü. Ïîòîì ÎÊ è Âûõîä.
4. Ïîñëå ýòîãî ñêîïèðóéòå â ïàïêó ñ èãðîé âñå ôàëû èç ïàïêè "Step 2".
òîëüêî ñòàâèòü êðÿê íàäà íà çàíîãî óñòàíîâëåííóþ èãðó
5. ×òîáû â èãðå íå áûëî ïüÿíîé êàìåðû è ôèêñèðîâàííîãî ãàçà óäàëÿåì ôàéë èç êîðíåâîé ïàïêè GTAIVGDF.dll
7. Òåïåðü æìèòå íà ÿðëûê íà ðàá.ñòîëå,ðåãèñòðèðóéòåñü OFFLINE è ÃÀÌÀÉÒÅ!
ïðè ïåðâîì çàõîäå â èãðó ó ìåíÿ áûëà /ïüÿíàÿ êàìåðà,êà÷åëè,/âûõîäèì èç èãðû
è çàõîäèì çàíîâî,ëàãè èñ÷åçàþò! Ïðè ïîñëåäóþùèõ çàõîäàõ â èãðó èõ áîëüøå íå áûëî
êðÿê ñòàâèòü íà ñâåæåóñòàíîâëåííóþ èãðó íàä êîòîðîé íå ñòàâèëèñü ýêñïåðèìåíòû
1. Cut down the Internet.
2. Copy files from a folder "Step 1" in a folder with game (replace all files).
3. Start a file "loader2.exe". Wait, press Further. Enter UJEEK-ME33J-JDES3-GEW6X-F3NUV in the field and press to Activate. Then ÎÊ and the Exit.
4. After that copy in a folder with game all ôàëû from a folder "Step 2".
Only to put êðÿê íàäà on çàíîãî the established game
5. That in game there was no drunk chamber and the fixed gas delete a
file from root folder GTAIVGDF.dll 6. COMPUTER REBOOT!
7. Now press on a label on stol, be registered OFFLINE and game!
At the first calling in game I had / drunk chamber, a swing, / bowl off and we come anew,
logs disappear! At the subsequent calling in their game any more was not êðÿê to
put on ñâåæåóñòàíîâëåííóþ game over which experiments the INTERNET were
not put NOT to INCLUDE AFTER peregruz!
1) it is swung game 2) after have downloaded,
setup it for this purpose the emulator of disks
for example DaemonTools 3 is required to you) you have
downloaded crack already from folder File all 3 files is transferable
in the root catalogue of game and is replaced the old.
4) here this file gfwlivesetupmin.exe is started and we establish updatings for the personal computer
5) Is started from a root folder of game LaunchGTAIV.exe And yahoo by GAME!
ðåòóøü foto