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halo 3 help?


New member
Why cant I move up in halo 3 I was playing today from about 10 - 1 and I won every single game, (Yea no joke I partied up with this guy and we owned) but for some reason I can't seem to move up from a lv. 17. I do good usually like atleas3t 12 kills a game and some games it depends how much I die, you know if they are just being rocket or shotgun whores. But he moved up like 6 lvs and I didn't move up 1 single level. Anyone know why?

Vanessa S

New member
Well your problem is that if you always die it sometimes knocks you score down and if you play against a different team and they win you dont get a score the less you die the higher your score will be.


New member
The way that the trueskill rating works is strictly by win/loss. The system uses your wins and losses to determine the skill you are at and an "uncertainty" factor. THe more games you play, the lower this uncertainty factor is and the harder it is to level up. Say for instance your wins and losses at one level are roughly equal you will take quite a long time to rank up. Keep trying once you get up to a new rank it will be easier to get to the next rank if you continue to win. At each rank the system evaluates you against others of that rank to determine if you should rank, derank, or stay at that rank. Just keep trying. For a more detailed explanation just go on google and search for an explanation of the TrueSkill system.


New member
sir if you have lots of experience points its going to take long times. if your a grade 2 or 3 in anything its going to take a long. i had a bragider gradfe 2, and i was pplaying team slayer and it took me 25 games just to go up from 47 to 48, but i did it