Halo Talk

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Help with Halo 1 (combat evloved) for pc!?

I bought the french version of halo 1 (combat evolved) for pc. when i try to joinining my friend's game through xfire (msn for gamers) it says like "your game is too old for the server" ( as seen in this screenshot: http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk309/yobiyetch/untitled.jpg )

I have run halo updates (from program files) and it says my game is up to date.

what can i do to fix this probelm?


New member
Fisrt off Contact BUNGIE they are you best bet and there auctly one of the nicer video game companies out there no joke but yeah i say it b/c of the french version but i think that wouldent be right either ,just call them here there info hope your in Canada and not France.

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