Step 1Beat the campaign on Legendary mode.
Step 2Unlock the achievement "Up Close and Personal." Now get five Beat Downs in Ranked Lone Wolves.
Step 3Unlock the achievement "Too Close To The Sun." In either Campaign mode or Ranked Lone Wolves mode and use a Spartan Laser on a Banshee.
Step 4Unlock the achievement "Triple Kill." Get a triple kill while in Ranked Lone Wolves mode.
Step 5Unlock the "We're In For Some Chop" achievement. While in Ranked Lone Wolves mode, destroy an enemy vehicle with equipment.
Step 6Unlock the "Overkill" achievement. While in Ranked Lone Wolves, make four kills each within four seconds of each other.
Step 7Unlock the "Killing Frenzy" achievement. While in Ranked Lone Wolves, take out ten kills without dying.
Step 8Unlock the "Used Cars Salesman" achievement. In either Ranked Lone Wolves mode or Campaign mode, take out a vehicle with three enemies.
Step 9Unlock the acievement titled "USNC Spartan." Accomplish Sergeant ranking.
Step 10Unlock "Spartan Officer" and reach Spartan Officer status online.
Step 11Unlock "Spartan Graduate" and either earn five EXP or complete ten ranked matches.
Step 12Unlock "Steppin Razor." Use the Energy Sword and grab a triple kill.
Step 13Earn 750 Gamerscore Points.
Step 14Get the Ninja Gaiden Sword by earning 1,000 Gamerscore Points.
Step 15Collect all of the skulls and be rewarded with Hyabusa Armor! The final skull can be found in the Campaign level "Covenant." In order to get the skull, you will have to go through the Halo rings at the end of the level in a certain sequence. There are seven rings with the first located at the level's entrance and the last one located at the Prophet of Truth. This is the order in which to go through the rings: 4 6 5 4 5 3 4 (each ring is a note, and it plays the Halo song). Completion of this sequence opens the "I Would Have Been Your Daddy" achievement. The skull will be near the bridge that brought you to the Prophet of Truth.