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Is there halo 1 and 2 games for a xbox360?

Stephanie D

New member
I just recently bought my husband and kids an Xbox360 and I also bought them the Halo 3 Game for the 360, but now that they have beat the Halo 3 game they are now talking about Halo 1 and 2. I know that these games are available on the regular Xbox game console but are they available on Xbox 360 game console?


New member
Although Xbox 360 doesn't guarantee a 100% compatibility on EVERY first-generation xbox game, there are some game (born for the original xbox) you can successfully play on the xbox 360

Here's a backward compatibility list:

Being halo 1 and 2 major success for that console, and being them produced directly by Microsoft, it was almost certain for them to be worked out as "compatible" games.

One side note: halo 1 will be released on the xbox live marketplace with the next xbox update (scheduled for december 4th). Instead of buying a physical disk (although the choice is sometimes preferrable) you could download directly to your hard disk, if you have one.

Hope it helped