Halo Talk

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Just got halo 3 ???????????

Johnny M

New member
Hey i just got halo 3 what do i have to do play online do i need to download any thing..... and if i do were do i have to go in my halo 3 main to play against people ....10 points


New member
you need to purchase online play time for xbox. and for halo my boyfriend recommends having a hard drive so you can save the maps to the game otherwise you cant play some of the levels. but once you sign up for online through xbox just pop in the game and connect


New member

ok so start it up n go to multiplayer, press start, go to downloads, download cold storage map pack *free*, heroic map pack *free*

legendary and heroic are 800 GP a piece

READ HERE u can 3 shot, no bullshit my buddy plays with the #1 player in the US n he like perfected the BR beyond all recognition
2 shots to the chest, 2 shots to the head is wat my buddy told me
but his buddy does 2 shots chest n another to the chest but on the last one he jerks his aim up, so the last bullet hits the head boom 3 shot

butttt if u wanna be really good, USE GRENADES MAN one head shot with a BR when they get hit by a nade n theyre done
when u kno sum1's comin, place a nade where they're walkin

n if u start getting hit from behind, look straight down to protect ur head
throw a nade as u jump, turn around n 1 shot the fag tryin to juice u

that my friend is the basics of being a beast
take full advantage of this knowlege


New member
you need to buy a xbox live subscription first get them at a walmart..then you will make a xbox live gold account and you can play online just go to matchmaking and it will all work fine


New member
gold subscription, get legendary and mythic maps, almost all game types include these maps when playing online, also a hard drive is a must since halo is designed to save cache memory to the hard drive, so it can load certain parts from the disc and the HDD at the same time. to play online just go into matchmaking. ill be on tonight if you want to play gt is Fast With Speed
You have to have high speed interntet and a gold subscription to xbox live so that you can play multiplayer on halo 3. Then instead of choosing to play on campaign go to where it says multiplayer and then choose your playlist in which you want to play in.