ok so start it up n go to multiplayer, press start, go to downloads, download cold storage map pack *free*, heroic map pack *free*
legendary and heroic are 800 GP a piece
READ HERE u can 3 shot, no bullshit my buddy plays with the #1 player in the US n he like perfected the BR beyond all recognition
2 shots to the chest, 2 shots to the head is wat my buddy told me
but his buddy does 2 shots chest n another to the chest but on the last one he jerks his aim up, so the last bullet hits the head boom 3 shot
butttt if u wanna be really good, USE GRENADES MAN one head shot with a BR when they get hit by a nade n theyre done
when u kno sum1's comin, place a nade where they're walkin
n if u start getting hit from behind, look straight down to protect ur head
throw a nade as u jump, turn around n 1 shot the fag tryin to juice u
that my friend is the basics of being a beast
take full advantage of this knowlege