every 1 haz ben teling meh that u neen over 1000 halo gMer pOintz to unlock teh Katana and teh security helmet. well, i finally did get 1015 gamer points, but, when i did, not only did i not get teh KAtana and teh security helmet, but my security shoulders that i had before now dissappered! is there some thing i am missing, or is this a meesed up glitch, or did i even do something wrong? some 1 plz halp, i looked forward to tuihs 4 ever, but like wtf?????
ok fine, but why are my security shoulders missing then? I had them before...
it's very weird about the shoulders though, you see, i had them on for a match in whitch i got the 100 gamer points. After the match they desapperared
ok fine, but why are my security shoulders missing then? I had them before...
it's very weird about the shoulders though, you see, i had them on for a match in whitch i got the 100 gamer points. After the match they desapperared