Halo 1 is a simpler but more fun online gaming experience.
The one main thing you need to know about Halo 1 is that you have to lead, which in layman terms is essentially shoot in front of the target to actually hit them. This depends on how much ping you have. If you have 67 ping you have to shoot approximately where they're going to be in .067 of a second, as ping is measured in milliseconds. When you first start off it can be difficult to grasp the concept of leading but it doesn't take long to work out, and it is more rewarding, although a bit unrealistic even for a shooter set in the future. Halo 2 doesn't have lead so it is easier to learn, it has new weapons and a dual-wield function that works quite well.
If you do pick up Halo 1, also download Halo Custom Edition. This is a standalone, completely multiplayer game which essentially combines Halo 1's core gameplay with Halo 2's ability to create and edit maps and custom content, hence the name. Custom Edition is free but you need a Halo 1 CD key to install and play it.