Halo Talk

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why do people think mw2 is superior to halo 3?


New member
i personally think that Halo 3 is superior to Modern Warfail 2 in every way possible except for the joy of leveling up and unlocking your new favorite toy or getting your chopper gunner and smothering rape across the map here are my reasons

first off let me say that i am in NO way a fanboy of halo, i am just a casual gamer that tries to have fun when he's not playing guitar or doing schoolwork

1. Balance. There are 4 types of COD gamers IMO, the >13 year olds that think if they have a good KD it will make them cool, the teenagers who think that a good KD will get them a girlfriend or a job, and the middle aged people who waste away there lives on videos games, and finally, the casual gamer who just wants to have a good time playing the best selling video game ever. Heres where im going with this, the casual gamer CANNOT have fun in mw2 anymore because of the other three categories, because the casual happy-go-lucky gamer cannot have fun with any of these people playing, because the other three categories do WHATEVER it takes to get a good KD which even ends up making it less fun for them, because i tried camping once to see what the hubub was about it, and quite frankly, i would rather run around kamikaze with frags than that. why halo wins? first off, no KD, no gun is superior to the other (dont say rocket launcher because that will only get you 4 kills MAX) all guns are balanced and the people are all just looking for a good time Halo>MW2

2. Community. the community of halo is better, i couldnt go one game in call of duty without some snot nosed brat saying "faggot your using the SCAR anyone can do good with that" or "hey faggot wanna knife a little more?" and ridiculous stuff like that, people on Halo are so much nicer and NEVER complain (i think i have no room to talk here since about 50% of this is complaining) about your gameplay, people just say "hey nice job you got me good a few times" Halo>MW2

3. Graphics. Ok let me start by saying Halos graphics are amazing, they are just like WOW in your face, everything shines and is bright and just stands out, but in MW2 everything seems dull and the only thing IW really put effort into was how the guns looked, but Halo was just all around better. Halo>MW2

4. General Gameplay, Ok so in MW2 when i thout it was the best game ever my KD was 1.98, pretty decent right? ya until i realized that i got that by playing with people that were also casual gamers, but in the past month or so my kd has dropped to 1.27 because there has been a sudden uprise in D-bags with Noobtubes and the RPD (IMO the most overpowered gun in the history of FPS, takes two shots to kill with stopping power and has an extremely fast fire rate, in other words, the power of the M21 EBR with the capacity of an LMG and the accuracy of an AR) also those damned run and knifers, which i have no problems with those people, if they can get close enough to me to knife me from behind, or even from the front rather, they are really good, but still these guys are really annoying. One last thing about general gameplay is that mw2 and halo are mixed for me in this way, i like the fun of leveling up and unlocking your favorite gun, but i also like the fact that you all start out with even guns in halo and you have to fight for the better guns, i think i would lighten up on COD if they just made the guns a little more even.again Halo>MW2

5. Bungie VS Infinity Ward. Bungie is very dedicated to there fans, infinity ward is more like "yes yes we have there money now lets not give a shit about our fans and make them have to deal with the infinite amount of glitches in our game" so basically what im saying is infinity ward is just a bunch or greedy *******s, btw i understand that they FINALLY patched most of the stuff wrong with this game but how long did that take? 2 and a half months? when Halo had a glitch it was fixed within the week. Also, Infinity Ward is horrible at game desine because of the following reasons. ok so theres this Call of duty wiki that IW made and it says the scar does 30-40 damage if so, that means that it should take me about 3-4 bullets to kill a guy if my dot is right on him, but no, it takes me half the clip to down a guy when my dot is on him the whole time, so thats either yet ANOTHER design flaw in the game or Infinity ward sucks at math. Bungie>Infinity Whore

So comparison is funally over, who here agrees with me about anything on this?


New member
wow dude, that's a long post. here's the thing: both games have pros and cons. Halo has the generic soldier running around with a pre-set weapons loadout and the same ol' gameplay as we've seen in the last 3 halo games. However, the nukes really suck in COD and so do the noobs that grenade launch everything. I like the variety COD offers, but halo is much more capable when it comes to bungie's servers.

My point is this: to each his own. I'm an avid player of both games, and overall i think i like them both equally.


New member
i played cod for years and played halo 2 months ago for the first time and its online sucks,COD has 5 times the amount of online players as well. you dont jump onto cod and bang someone's someones dead and youd get killed still if you can go every match with out dying then you hate on COD,wheres the throwing knifes in halo and running and camping and all the different weapons. halo is for people who get ****ed at cod because they suck. COD tops any shooter end of story. People hate on it because they suck and cant just have fun.


New member
Well I think they are both inferior to Gears of War 1, but I think its just a matter of opinion. Some people like there games to be a little more realistic( yes I know mw2 isnt fully realistic but more so than halo 3) Others like to just have fun and not worry about k/d and all the other bs that goes in in mw2. I can see why you like halo 3 more, but I personally like mw2 more for the real guns, titles/emblems, and the Killstreaks like chopper gunner and nuke.
IMO it goes like this

Gears of War 1( dont even talk to me about the garbage called Gears 2)
Modern Warfare 2
Halo 3( although Halo 2 was better)


New member
Every year theres a new COD game life if it's Madden, What you gonna say?...NO?, Inifinity ward makes one and Activision does the other. You're still wrong, it's still under the SAME company. That's like me saying the Honda Fit is not a Honda cause it was design by Americans. No, it got a Honda badge so it makes it a Honda.(That's just an example)

COD is a OLD SCHOOL shooter just polished up. What do I mean about that? It's the same type of military war game as it was 10yrs ago. Like Medal of honor, Ghost Recon, even 007 Goldeneye. Just polished up with new guns, perks, ranks, that's it! What you also gonna say? They come out with one every year cause they have new ideas? NO, It's because they don't put there hearts into the game. Try to make it breath taking, They selling you the same BULL!

Halo is came out in 07, and it was the MOST played game on XBL for 07, 08, and 09! What does that say? Halo takes skill. I could hop onto COD, I'll do pretty good, nothing beast but i'll go positive. If a COD player jumps onto Halo, They'll get own, cause they'll try to camp out, or run right in the middle and just get owned, or can't simply lay a 4shot headshot. In COD, I see you, shoot! BANG, you're dead. That isn't FUN!

ben l

New member
I don't agree so obviously you aren't going to pick my answer. Halo is a completely different game than COD. Personally, I think COD is a better game, I'm a teenager but I have yet to hack the game (I have no way to prove that so obviously you aren't going to believe me). COD can be frustrating with all the hackers and honestly the better players, but it gives you a sense of achievement when you are able to beat them. I really enjoy the many challenges and guns available in the game, so that is jsut my opinion. By the way, this is not a question really. It was more you ranting about why you love Halo compared to COD (but you aren't a fanboy) and then you adding at the end "Does anyone agree?" Seriously, save it for the forums.


New member
For the 1st part. If you just chill out and play MW2 you do really well instead of being a try hard.

2nd part i met alot of friendly dudes on MW2 and added them. Then again I play PS3 version and the you don't get as much kids or jerks i guess.

3rd part .... Halo graphics superior .... I have no comment

4th part yes there are cheap guns in MW2 but it takes skill to learn how to deal with people who use them. For example I've been using Famas (a 3 round burst assault rifle) and I killed people with ACR's and RPD's. Famas is probably the crappiest assault rifle in the game and I do very well with it. Just find out a gun that best suits you and you won't have issues often. (Imagine the pain that only knife users feel since they can't shoot)

5th Part: Yes Infinity Ward takes awhile to fix things but you just gotta chill and get over it. No reason to whine about it. It's a game your supposed to chill and have fun with it not nag at the producers and waste you're time since they can't hear you complain.

I have fun with MW2 but I've played Halo as well. Different people like different games. Most games don't appeal every1. I just like MW2 atm b/c i have fun with my friends on it and pwning with an AC130 is the best feeling you will ever have.


New member
I disagree completely. So, what, if you curse over someone using a SCAR? It means there having FUN. Not just sitting there saying nice things like "aw you got me." or "wow i didn't see THAT coming." Thats B-O-R-I-N-G. And who wants to play some non realistic game with ALIENS? I sure don't. And the graphics in Mw2 are more realistic and if you compare the ACU in the real life army to the one in the game, they look alot alike. Now thats saying something.