"halo console (1)" how do i play? please anyone know??/ what is this halo console (1) stuff -.-
S Sean V :) New member Aug 3, 2009 #1 "halo console (1)" how do i play? please anyone know??/ what is this halo console (1) stuff -.-
L Lil Gizzy New member Aug 3, 2009 #2 dude yes just play it it its jsut saying that cause if you had another console hooked up it would say console(2). know what im saying.?
dude yes just play it it its jsut saying that cause if you had another console hooked up it would say console(2). know what im saying.?
J Justin New member Aug 3, 2009 #3 It means you have 1 Halo Trial currently on. PLay it if it says 1, don't play if it says 2.