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Halo 3: How do you capture a screen shot and make a video?


New member
depends which computer u have... if u have windows i can help u. It should already have these built in.

on your keyboard there should be a button above the insert key which is above the arrow keys. Look for the key that says "Prt Scr"

that stands for Print Screen. if u press it, it will take a snapshot of your screen.

then go to paint and click paste

then open "Windows Movie Maker" it should be located in "All Programs"

and then u file >> import >> & import your print screenshot >> then drag that file on your storyboard which should be located on the bottom

if u have a mac i am a little blurry there, i kno u can make videos through iMovie, but as for the printscreen i kno it can be done because my friend has a mac and can do it, i'm just not sure how, try google it, something should show up

:D hope this helped!


New member
I don't know it 100% off the top of my head but I've done it. You can do it in any mode but I believe the system must be connected to xbox live. Change the lobby to theater mode and from there you're able to take screenshots and save videos from your last 25 sessions. After you save them you can make them available to be found online at bungie.net on your computer.


New member
You can download a program that does both called 'Fraps', this program allows you to pretty much take pics with any key you set it to do so, and allows you to record the games. I won't post a link to it, but you can google it.