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Halo 3 online help!? Please - I'm a noob.?

adam k

New member
I have 69 XP and in order to get to the next ranking I need 150! Everyone else I look at, like my brother, only needs to get to 70. We are both Gunnary Sergants (Grade 2). Why do I have to get more XP than everyone else, and can I do anything to lower it?
I am only Highest skill 6 in ranked matches. Next to where it says 'XP for next upgrade: 150' there is no 'or highest skill..'


New member
well i dont get ur question but here im gonna tell u all i know

when going to the next rank u need to get a certian amount of xp to rank up depending on what rank u r on now. lets say ur a sargent it wont take as long to rank up if ur a major

u cant really lower it u just need to get ur highest skill up beacuse thats faster then getting exp

if u dont get this im srry its kinda hard to exaplain
u can just massage friends and it and ask for questions or u can ask ppl u play with or u can just play the game and have fun
but sometimes when u get anough xp u can also rank up by getting ur highest skill up to a certain point like im a captian rite now but i got my highest skill to 20 when it said 200xp or highest skill 20

to get ur highest skill up u should play rank matches and win
ur bros thing probably says 70 beacuse he has his highest skill up to a certain point


New member
go to http://www.bungie.net
to check out your stats and what you need to get promoted.

Your problem is that the next Level after Gunnery Sergent is Lutinant, and the only way you can become a Spartan Officer, is to have at LEAST 10 skill in any ranked playlist.

Once you hit 70 EXP notice that under "Next Promotion" it'll change to "150 EXP or Highest Skill of 10"

check out your service record at the website, it kicks @$$

Oli H

New member
The numbers always confused me when playing halo 3. Sometimes it said next upgrade 150 but that was until next new name, e.g. sgt. The rank number goes up faster than your name so no need to worry, just keep playing your best and hopfully you'll be at level 70 in no time! Alternatively you can go to bungie.net and access all your data. Even if it doesn't solve your problem have a look anyway, it's really interesting!


New member
you need to play ranked games and get your highest rank achieved up. That is the only way to become an officer. It also reduces the amount of xp till the next promotion.

stop playing social and play ranked.