Halo Talk

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How do you feel about this?


When it is very obvious that someone is purposely ignoring your messages, how does that make you feel? I can't understand the reason why people will purposely ignore someone's messages when they know the person is expecting them to reply and they are actually online but decide not to reply you.



I prefer someone telling me that he/she will get back to me or send me text that we will talk later that you are busy than ignoring me messages. I won't lie, I used to feel very bad when someone ignores me. The worst of them all is being online and updating your status, making me to look like a fool.

The only thing I will do is to archive the person and do as if the person never existed in my life.


I find that in most cases, people tend to do this when they either do not know what to reply with or they are having an off day and don't feel like socializing.

I can understand why to some it may seem rude but when you look at it from a different angle, it can sometimes make sense.