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New member
600 AUDIO-BOOKS for $57 only!

IMAGINED OFFER: Get Now A Set Of Five Double Layer DVDs With a 600 AUDIO-BOOKS FOR JUST $57 with a FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING w/tracking number.
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Libreria Digital

UNIQUE OFFER: Buy Online A Set Of 5 Dual Layer DVDs With a 600 AUDIOLIBROS FOR JUST $57 with a FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING w/tracking number.
MP3 TIENDA: http://www.mp3s.ec/

Libreria Digital
Last edited:


New member
Ìóæ÷èíû, êòî ÷àùå?

Òåïåðü ïðåäëîæåíèÿ ïðîñòèòóòêè Åáóðãà âåñüìà ïîïóëÿðíû, íåæåëè 7 ëåò íàçàä. È êàê òàê ñïðîñ ïîäíÿëñÿ íà ýòè äîñóã óñëóãè? Ðàíåå âñå ïîãîâàðèâàëè, ÷òî â ñòðàíå èíòèìà íåò, ïîçæå ìûæ÷èíû è æåíùèíû ñòàëè î÷åíü äàæå ðàññëàáëåííåå, ÷òî ó íàñ ñåãîäíÿ íå òîëüêî ñåêñ åñòü, íî î íåì è êðè÷àò âåçäå. Áûëî âðåìÿ, êîãäà ñòàëè âîçíèêàòü óñëóãè äåâ÷àòà ýòî 90-å ãîäû, âðåìÿ ïåðåñòðîéêè.  òîò æå ïåðèîä íà ýêðàíû ïîêàçûâàëè ïðåìüåðó "Èíòåðäåâî÷êà", êîòîðûé âèäåëà âñÿ Ðîññèÿ.
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Last edited:


New member
600 AUDIOBOOKS for $57 just!

OFFER: Get Now A Set Of 5 Double Layer DVDs With a 600 AUDIO BOOKS FOR ONE $57 with a FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING w/tracking number.
Don't miss this unique crazy discount to get great collection at a special price.
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Good Luck

Libreria Digital

AUDIOLIBROS are ideal for:

* Busy people always on the go
* People who use various mobile devices
* People who enjoy classic literature
* Students
* Educators, schools or tutors
* People that are visually or physically impaired
* Gift ideas

You could easily transfer these AUDIO BOOKS files to an iPod or any other mobile MP3 audio device.
Another solution would be to convert these MP3 files to ordinary CD audio format such as "cda" or other similar format. This would allow you to listen them on devices that are not MP3 compatible, such as car stereos, CD players, etc.
The chapters in the AUDIO-BOOKS are separated into tracks making it easier to navigate through the DVD, also allowing you to easily pick up where you left off.

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New member
Offering For The Bibliophiles

for sale: A collection of AUDIO-BOOKs on five dvd Double layer!

Don't allow away this incomparable chance to get exceptional collection at a fantastic price.

Please note that these audio books are no longer in copyright and are in the Public Domain. These recordings are read by volunteer readers both male and female from both sides of the Atlantic (English, American, Australia etc) which are all read in English and are freely available without copyright in the Public Domain. They do not infringe copyright!

Audiobooks are ideal for:
* Busy people always on the go
* People who use various mobile devices
* People who enjoy classic literature
* Students
* Educators, schools or tutors
* People that are visually or physically impaired
* Gift ideas

You could easily transfer these AUDIO-BOOKS files to an iPod or any other mobile MP3 audio device.
Next option would be to convert these mp3's to ordinary CD-ROM audio format such as "cda" or other similar format. This would allow you to listen them on devices that are not MP3 compatible, such as car stereos, CD players, etc.
The chapters in the AUDIOLIBROS are separated into tracks making it easier to navigate through the DVD, also allowing you to easily pick up where you left off.

Below a listing of titles of the LETER "N" ONLY:
N [Index]
Natural History of Stuck-Up People (by Albert Smith)
Necklace (by Guy de Maupassant)
Negotium Perambulans (by E F Benson)
New Sun (by J S Fletcher)
New Terror (by Gaston Leroux)
Nigger of the Narcissus (by Joseph Conrad)
Night in a Moorish Harem (by anonymous author)
Nightingale and Rose (by Oscar Wilde)
Nutcracker (by Alexandre Dumas)


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New member
Offer For The Booklovers

for sale: A collection of AUDIO-BOOKs on 5 dvd Double layer!

Do not allow go away this better chance to get exceptional collection at a low cost.

Please mention that these audio books are no longer in right of first publication and are in the Public Domain. These recordings is interpret by voluntary readers in English and are freely available without copyright in the Public Domain They do not infringe copyright!

Audiobooks are perfect for:
* Occupy folks all of the time on the go
* People who consumption several mobile devices
* Citizenry who love classical literature
* Students and scholars
* Pedagogues, educates or private instructor*
* Folks that are visually or physically impaired
* Present ideas

You could easily transfer these AUDIOBOOKS files to an iPod or any other mobile MP3 audio device.
Next solution would be to convert these MP3 files to ordinary CD audio format such as "cda" or other similar format. This would allow you to listen them on devices that are not MP3 compatible, such as car stereos, CD players, etc.
The chapters in the AUDIOBOOKS are separated into tracks making it easier to navigate through the DVD, also allowing you to easily pick up where you left off.

Below a listing of titles of the LETER "P" ONLY:
P [Index]
Paradoxes of Mr Pond (by G K Chesterton)
Passions Of Howard Hughes (by Terry Moore and Jerry Rivers)
Perfumed Garden (by Sheikh Nefzaoui)
Pericles, Prince of Tyre (by Charles and Mary Lamb)
Phantom Coach (by Amelia B Edwards)
Phantom of the Opera (by Gaston Leroux)
Phantom Ship (by Captain Frederick Marryat)
Phoenix and The Carpet (by E Nesbit)
Pickwick Papers (by Charles Dickens)
Picture Of Dorian Gray (by Oscar Wilde)
Pieces of Eight (by Richard Le Gallienne)
Pied Piper (by Robert Browning)
Pirate of the Land (by Arthur Conan Doyle)
Pit and Pendulum (by Edgar Allan Poe)
Poison Belt (by Arthur Conan Doyle)
POKER Cheating Methods and Sleight-of-Hands (by Theo Hardison)
POKER Its Laws and Principles (by Algernon Crofton)
POKER Joys, Rules, Lore and Pitfalls (by George F Worts)
Pope's Mule (by Alphonse Daudet)
Pot of Caviare (by Arthur Conan Doyle)
Prince and Pauper (by Mark Twain)
Prince Prigio (by Andrew Lang)
Prince Recardo (by Andrew Lang)
Prince Zaleski 1 - The Race of Orven (by M P Shiel)
Prince Zaleski 2 - The Stone of the Edmundsbury Monks (by M P Shiel)
Prince Zaleski 3 - The SS (by M P Shiel)
Prince Zaleski 4 - The Return of Prince Zaleski (by M P Shiel)
Princess and Curdie (by George MacDonald)
Princess and the Goblin (by George MacDonald)
Princess Of Mars (by Edgar Rice Burroughs)
Princess's Vengeance (by Catherine Louisa Pirkis)
Prisoner in The Caucasus (by Lev Tolstoy)
Prisoner of Zenda (by Anthony Hope)
Proofs of Holy Writ (by Rudyard Kipling)
Public Relations (by Patrick Walsh)


Libreria Digital


New member
Offering For The Bibliophiles

4 sale: A collection of AUDIOBOOKs on five dvd dual layer!

Do not leave out this unequaled probability to get especial collecting at a extraordinary cost.

Pls note that this audio books are no longer in copyright and are in the Public Domain. This recordings is read by voluntary lectors both male person and female person from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean (English, American, Australia etc) which are altogether read in English and are freely available without copyright in the Public Area. They don't conflict copyright!

Audiobooks are perfect for:
* Occupy folks all of the time on the go
* People who consumption several mobile devices
* Citizenry who love classical literature
* Students and scholars
* Pedagogues, educates or private instructor*
* Folks that are visually or physically impaired
* Present ideas

You could easily transfer these AUDIOBOOKS files to an iPod or any other mobile MP3 audio device.
Another solution would be to convert these MP3 files to ordinary CD-ROM audio format such as "cda" or other similar format. This would allow you to play them on devices that are not MP3 compatible, such as car stereos, CD players, etc.
The chapters in the mp3 audio books are separated into tracks making it easier to navigate through the DVD-ROM, also allowing you to easily pick up where you left off.

Below a listing of titles of the LETER "H" ONLY:
H [Index]
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark (by Charles and Mary Lamb)
Hammond's Hard Lines (by Skelton Kuppord)
Hand (by Guy de Maupassant)
Happy Prince (by Oscar Wilde)
Hard-Boiled Egg (by P G Wodehouse)
Haunted and Haunters (by Lord Lytton)
Haunted Dolls House (by M R James)
Haunted Station (by Hume Nisbet)
Heart of Darkness (by Joseph Conrad)
Hearts of Three (by Jack London)
Heather Ale (by Robert Louis Stevenson)
Her Majesty's Servants (by Rudyard Kipling)
His Brother's Debt (by Louis L'Amour)
Hoare 1 - Portsmouth Atrocities (by Wilder Perkins)
Hoare 2 - Headless Captains (by Wilder Perkins)
Hoare 3 - Matter of Treason (by Wilder Perkins)
Holiday Task (by Saki)
Honor's Fortune (by Louisa May Alcott)
Hopalong Cassidy (by Clarence Mulford)
Horla (by Guy de Maupassant)
Horror of the Heights (by Arthur Conan Doyle)
Hound (by H P Lovecraft)
Hounds of Fate (by Saki)
House with the Twisted Passage (by Marion St John Webb)
How I Edited An Agricultural Paper (by Mark Twain)
How I Killed a Bear (by Charles Dudley Warner)
Huckleberry Finn (by Mark Twain)
Hunted Down (by Charles Dickens)
Hunting of The Snark (by Lewis Carroll)


Libreria Digital


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New member
Great collection of audiobooks

4 sale: A collection of AUDIOLIBROs on 5 dvd dual layer!

Don't allow away this incomparable chance to get exceptional collection at a fantastic price.

Please mention that these audio books are no longer in right of first publication and are in the Public Domain. These recordings is interpret by voluntary readers in English and are freely available without copyright in the Public Domain They do not infringe copyright!

Audiobooks are perfect for:
* Occupy folks all of the time on the go
* People who consumption several mobile devices
* Citizenry who love classical literature
* Students and scholars
* Pedagogues, educates or private instructor*
* Folks that are visually or physically impaired
* Present ideas

You could easily transfer these AUDIO-BOOKS files to an iPod or any other mobile MP3 audio device.
Another option would be to convert these MP3 files to ordinary CD-ROM audio format such as "cda" or other similar format. This would allow you to listen them on equipment that are not MP3 compatible, such as car stereos, CD players, etc.
The chapters in the mp3 audio books are separated into tracks making it easier to navigate through the DVD-ROM, also allowing you to easily pick up where you left off.

Below a LIST of titles of the LETER "M" ONLY:
M [Index]
MacBeth (by Charles and Mary Lamb)
Mademoiselle Pear (by Guy de Maupassant)
Magic Lamplighter (by Marion St John Webb)
MAHOMMED The Great Arabian (by Meredith Townsend)
Malchish Kibalchish (by Arkadi Gaidar)
Malcolm Sage Detective (by Herbert Jenkins)
Man and Snake (by Ambrose Bierce)
Man in the Bell (by W A Aytoun)
Man Who Was Thursday (by G K Chesterton)
Man Who Would be King (by Rudyard Kipling)
Man-Size in Marble (by E Nesbit)
Manners for Men (by Mrs Humphry)
Maracot Deep (by Arthur Conan Doyle)
Mark of the Beast (by Rudyard Kipling)
Markheim (by Robert Louis Stevenson)
Martin Rattler (by R M Ballantyne)
Masada Never Again (by Jon Schiller)
Measure for Measure (by Charles and Mary Lamb)
Mein Kampf BOOK1 (by Adolf Hitler)
Merchant of Venice (by Charles and Mary Lamb)
Mexican (by Jack London)
Michael brother of Jerry (by Jack London)
Michael Jordan in His Own Words (by Geoffrey Giuliano)
Middle Toe (by Ambrose Bierce)
Midsummer Night's Dream (by Charles and Mary Lamb)
Miracle of Purun Bhagat (by Rudyard Kipling)
Mirror of the Sea (by Joseph Conrad)
Model (by Guy de Maupassant)
Modest Proposal (by Jonathan Swift)
Monk (by Matthew Lewis)
Moon Metal (by Garrett P Serviss)
Moon-Bog (by H P Lovecraft)
Moonraker (by F Tennyson Jesse)
Moonstone (by Wilkie Collins)
Moosh (by Guy de Maupassant)
Mowgli (by Rudyard Kipling)
Mr Papingay's Flying Shop (by Marion St John Webb)
Mr Papingay's Ship (by Marion St John Webb)
MR POND 01 - Three Horsemen of Apocalypse (by G K Chesterton)
MR POND 02 - Crime of Captain Gahagan (by G K Chesterton)
MR POND 03 - When Doctors Agree (by G K Chesterton)
MR POND 04 - Pond the Pantaloon (by G K Chesterton)
MR POND 05 - Unmentionable Man (by G K Chesterton)
MR POND 06 - Ring of Lovers (by G K Chesterton)
MR POND 07 - Terrible Troubadour (by G K Chesterton)
MR POND 08 - Tall Story (by G K Chesterton)
Much Ado about Nothing (by Charles and Mary Lamb)
Murder (by Arnold Bennett)
Murder by Proxy (by M McD Bodkin QC)
Murder of the Mandarin (by Arnold Bennett)
Music on the Hill (by Saki)
MUSKETEERS 1 - The Three Musketeers (by Alexandre Dumas)
My Lady Nicotine (by J M Barrie)
Mysterious Affair at Styles (by Agatha Christie)
Mysterious Mansion (by Honore De Balzac)
Mysterious Stranger (by Mark Twain)
Mystery of Room 666 (by Jacques Futrelle)


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