Everyone here on halotalk, please listen to me, many of you continue to open new threads about things that have already been discussed, this should stop, to keep other threads, and discussions in rotation, and leaving it so it is easier to find a thread, that searching through 4 pages, look in the previous threads, and post, to keep them renewed, and another thing, please do not talk about halo 3 as if it is out , cause it is not going to be released till November 15th I last heard, I will repeat this in bold HALO ISNT OUT TILL NOVEMBER 15TH SO STOP SAYING HOW IS THE GAME! And also beta for h3 inst. out till may, so stop asking how the game is you should get details before you ask.ty I just wanted to clear that up to prevent anymore production of repeated threads, or discussions of how beta, or h3 is ty