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Recent content by [BLACKOUT 6.0]

  1. B

    in halo 3 how do i ranks up to lutenant?

    i am currently a gunnery sergant grade 2 with 65 EXP. what do i need to do to get to lutenant. do i have to play ranked matches?
  2. B

    in halo 3 i keep playing ranked matches but my skill level is still the same..?

    everytime i win a ranked match my skill level stays the same. is this supposed to happen??
  3. B

    in halo 3 i killed my self with a soccerball. how do i send it to bungie

    to get recon armour?? in halo 3 i killed my self with a soccerball. how do i send it to bungie to get recon armour?? i made a vid of me getting killed by a soccer ball. so how do i send it to bungie so i can get recon armour? i put it on file share. is that how or... just if you have gotten it...
  4. B

    how do i put my videos from halo 3 onto my laptop?

    how do i put them onto my laptop.??
  5. B

    in halo 3 i killed my self with a soccerball. how do i send it to bungie to get

    recon armour?? i made a vid of me getting killed by a soccer ball. so how do i send it to bungie so i can get recon armour? i put it on file share. is that how or... just if you have gotten it tell me how you gave it to bungie or tell me where you put it that bungie saw it.
  6. B

    i made a video of me getting killed by a soccerball in halo 3 so how do i send it...

    ...to bungie to get recon...? i made a vid of me getting killed by a soccer ball. so how do i send it to bungie so i can get recon armour? i put it on file share. is that how or... just if you have gotten it tell me how you gave it to bungie.
  7. B

    i have heard a rumor that you can get recon armour in halo 3 without working

    for bungie...? is this true and if it is can you tell me how to get the recon armour and is there a way to get flaming recon armour without working fro bungie. and does the flamming heads work on any head or just the recon head??
  8. B

    in matchmaking on halo 3 how do you change the map that you play on if you are

    the party leader??? when you go into matchmaking and you find a match and it shows the map that you play at. how do you change it if you are the party leader and how would you change the game type as well??
  9. B

    any good snipeing tips on halo 3??

    i am a pretty good sniper in halo 3. i just want to get some more tips to be even better. got any for me?
  10. B

    is there a way to transfer my halo 3 saved data from one profile to the other?

    i want to know if there is a way to transfer my saved halo 3 data from my non xbox live profile to my xbox live profile. if there is a way tell me how to do it. thanks!
  11. B

    do i gain exp when i play social slayer on halo 3?

    do i gain it or do you only gain exp on ranked matches??
  12. B

    when i play a ranked or social match on xbox live on halo 3 do you loose...

    ...exp if you loose the battle?? i am right now at -13 exp. when i loose do i loose exp? or after the match i sign out so i wont get disconnected because my router is like 5 years old is that making me loose exp?. cna you help me?
  13. B

    on halo 3 how do you play the campaign with other people from xbox live?

    how do i play campaign with people from xbox live with just a open party??
  14. B

    can you beat halo 3 on legendary by starting from a checkpoint?

    what i want to know is there an easy way to beat halo 3 on legendary like starting from a checkpoint in a level. thanks!